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version: 1.0.3 Available For Download Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 232

Posts: 232
version: 1.0.3-4 stable available for download (git-tag: v1.0.3-4)

Blox Core Modules

* BloxCLI command line utility run via linux user 'admin'
* Domain mapping in blox-listen.cfg to have port binding support
* Removed older openswan and added newer strongswan package
* Modified domain configuration for Trunk and Roaming User

FreeBlox GUI(Freeware License)

* TLS Certificate Generation for minimum 30 Days
* Dynamic SSH Connection via troubleshooting menu
* Packet capture support on GUI
* SIP Domain with optional bind port support while assigned to SIP Profile
* SIP Domain with optional bind host support to map the Blox host
* Upgraded Dashboard with CPU and system information
* Delete CDR Logs with re-authentication
* Customized modification on interface list
* Added service restart button on administration page
* Added support for packet capture via GUI
* Config backup & packet capture download filename will have serial number
* Dashboard with system information
* Modified PHP session validation to disable if _CMDLINE set
* Updated all pages with proper help tips and document help
* Made packages installed to display on package upgrade page
* Added support to download CDR
* Enabled GUI log /var/log/freeblox access.log error.log
* Configurable Shell command will be logged in /var/log/freeblox/error.log

Bugs Fixed:

* Default Blox UserAgent configuration will have version
* Fixed: NAT Ping issue, due to SIP_NAT_PING PING_NAT_ONLY Flags
* Fixed: missing default db entries using migration script
* Log rotation issue fixed
* FreeBlox: SIP domain validation issue fixed
* Made Network routing to persist
* Fixed: LAN2WAN routing logic for connecting rtpengine
* Fixed: CDR display and download issue
* Fixed: SIP Header manipuation issue with append_time
* Fixed: Ethernet interface name change
* Fixed: Outbound Caller ID Name
* Fixed: Trunk From User changed after route_to_gw
* Fixed: SSH disable not working for ubuntu
* Fixed: post install script to overwrite file during upgrade
* Fixed: snort config to get default WAN interface
* Fixed: Logs not displayed
* Fixed: VLAN not getting removed after deleting it
* Fixed: Restore config and Firmware upgrade to wait for response
* Fixed: logrotate to call from cron
* Fixed: All javascript warning and errors from all pages
* Fixed: SIP Header manipulation to store \r\n and not to display
* Fixed: Multiple trunk with same username issue
* Fixed: Progress bar during Firmware and Restore config
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